SONA Researcher Account Request


Website : SONA

Questions ?

SONA Researcher Account Request Site

Before you are given access to use SONA as a researcher, you will first need to become familiar with the local participant recruitment and advertising policy. The policy gives a brief overview of how to get your study up and running, with particular attention to correctly posting your study on SONA. Next, you will be given a short intake quiz. This quiz will test your understanding of the preceding content and gives feedback to your answers. Once you have correctly answered the four questions, you will asked to complete a form with information in order to create your researcher account. In particular, please have the following ready:
  • university e-mail address
  • student/employee number (s-/u-/e-XXXXXX)
  • supervisor/PI name and e-mail address
NOTE: OP2 and OP3 students should create a group e-mail account and enter the details of the group representative.